Yesterday I moved to the UK, to Portsmouth. It was weird and a little scary. Got up frightfully early, Jonatan followed me to the airport and kissed and hugged me good-bye. Then there was an air-plane, heavy bags and a train and dragging the bag to Liss Rd.
I was scared of fitted carpets in every room and the strange smell that they create but I was pleasantly surprised to find the bottom floor completely carpet free and two super cute and cuddly cats in the hallway. The upper floor does have a fitted carpet but that’s ok. It really is a lovely hose and I’ve got a nice room and a really great bed.
My landlord, Paul, is a great guy and he took me around town, showing me the different parts of Portsmouth, taking me to a bank to get an account, even taking me to the supermarket. We visited my second roommate Nadine at work, she works at an Ecco store here and hates it. But she is really outgoing and friendly and terminated to get me drunk during the evening when we went to the local pub (very British of us) and later when we sat in the garden.
I can proudly and smugly report that I was the only one not hung over the following morning even though I gave in to the friendliness and free drinks. One litre of water before you go to bed, that’s the very simple trick.
And this morning I went to work and it was great. I mean really. I was nervous and a bit insecure of course but it really worked out, everyone I talked to was funny, friendly and helpful. I worked on a t-shirt print for Artful Dodger and by the end of the day I was on the right track and feeling a bit proud actually.
There is talk of me maybe accompanying some of the others to New York for a week at the end of August and help paint some walls for a exhibition. That would be so much fun, I hope I can go.
So far the UK is nice and the people are great. The only thing I can’t stand is the water which is frankly undrinkable. Tastes like it comes directly from a swimming pool. But otherwise I am happy and I can’t wait until work tomorrow.