tisdag 23 oktober 2007

Autums are great for walks, walks are great for thinking

New module, this time we will explore the possibility of earning embarrassingly large amounts of cash by finding and filling a need. New business idea time! I have a new group as well, Jocke (the captain), Tilde (doc), Isak (ship drunk) and Peter (we don’t know what he is yet). The most social group so far, we seem to spend a lot of time in cafés and last week we had dinner at my place. The social thing is important to me after the last module where I sort of fell in between groups so I have been pushing hard for the weekly dinners. The others have been pushing for the constant tea and coffee breaks, so we are all good.

I have been thinking a lot about branding these past days. Not so strange perhaps considering the module, I guess I get no points for creativity by Teo Härén (we had a seminar with him via videolink two weeks ago).
But whatever, I am thinking about it. So much that I went to the library and picked up “No Logo” by Naomi Klein, I haven’t started reading it yet but I am looking forward to it.

I love the library here, the way they actually have the books I want standing patiently waiting for me on the shelves… In Lund, a city full of students who haven’t given up on books the way these digital media students have, the books I wanted were never in. Here I seem to be the only one visiting the library, which is both sad and practical.

But back on track, I haven’t come to anything that might be considered a conclusion with my thinking so far, but I do have a video for you guys. Microsoft made it, probably to get management to stop butting in on all their good ideas…

torsdag 4 oktober 2007

Frustration land

There is frustration in the air, it has been there all week and it is slowly driving me mad. Nothing works, if feels like all I do is wait. I can’t go anywhere cause something might happen, I might be needed, I can’t let these people down. We have so much to do, but we never seem to have all the components to actually be able to do it. It is so frustrating and so maddening.

We finally got a Printfabriken as a sponsor for our print yesterday. A huge relief I tell you, we had just about decided to just print everything here at school and were all very depressed when they called me back. But now everything is jammed again (of course) because there is no communication. Not one that works anyways. Not between us, the press group, and the design group; responsible for the poster design, and not between us and the teachers; who are away in Stockholm and has to clear everything before we go to print.

Now I am going to get the press release done at least, although I have no great pictures to put in it, not even after both mailing everyone about it, and asking around. But then my mail have been bouncing mails for some reason, so a lot of mail have probably been lost.

I am not in a happy place right now.