onsdag 21 maj 2008

Written during design-block

Things are good. We are working on a very fun project for Cooper Island Beach Club, making there new website and logo. They are a caribbean resort so we spend much time looking at pictures of nice, sunny beaches.

The project is part of a module were we have put together our own agency, called Sushi Bomb. Not a very nice name, but for some strange reasons that was the one that survived all the discussions and sorting of suggestions.

The SVT people decided to run with OUR project! So proud! Still can’t show you anything here, but I am still very proud. I have worked for SVT, that is a big thing.

I’m looking for an apartment in Portsmouth at the moment, mainly through a website called easyroommate, a very good site despite it’s rather unfortunate name. But if you have any tips on where I can find a place to live I am grateful for all help I can get.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Naaaw, så det blev Sushi Bomb trots allt? Glömde ju bort att följa upp det...

Yay igen för svt, är så sugen på att se hur allt blev! :P
